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Engineer Plastic Products

Product nameAbbreviationReference number in
gazetted list in Japan
Fire service actPackagingGeneral propertiesApplicationCharacteristicsManufacturer
Functional group and
compound classification
CAS RNChemical formulaMolecular weightAppearanceMelting point
Boiling point
Specific gravityFlash point
Ignition point
Arlen™Modified Polyamide 6TNot OpenN/A

25 kg paper bag

ConfidentialYellowish310-330No data1.30-1.80>200No data

Electric and electronic parts (SMT connectors, switches),

automobile parts (cooling water peripheral components,

hydraulic pistons), heat resistant sliding parts

Heat resistance, low water absorptivity,

chemical resistance

Mitsui Chemicals, Inc.
Arlen™ Master BatchALMB-N/A-CompoundConfidential-Confidentialevery color265No data1.30-1.80>400>400Color Master Batch for Arlen™-Mitsui Fine Chemicals, Inc.
Product nameAbbreviationReference number in
gazetted list in Japan
Fire service actGeneral propertiesApplicationCharacteristicsManufacturer
Functional group and
compound classification
CAS RNChemical formulaMolecular weightAppearanceMelting point
Boiling point
Specific gravityFlash point
Ignition point
Aurum™Thermoplastic PolyimidePolymers of Least ConcernN/ACompoundConfidential
ConfidentialBlack3883881.33No dataNo data

Automotive mechanical parts (trust washers, seal rings),

electrical and electronic components

(IC, LD, HDD-related products, manufacturing jigs, heat-resistant trays)

Heat resistance (Melting point 388 °C,Tg250 °C),

low outgassing, high strength retention in high temperatures,

high sliding, radiation resistant (withstands 10,000 megarads of γ radiation),

chemical resistant

Mitsui Chemicals, Inc.

Contact Us

Functional Polymeric Materials Division